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NUI Astaxanthin 4mg

Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring carotenoid found in various organisms such as algae and plankton. It is responsible for its bright red color and acts in nature as a protection against harmful UV radiation and oxidative stress. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant and is considered one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Astaxanthin also has anti-inflammatory properties, supports skin and eye health. It is also popular among athletes as studies indicate improved muscle recovery.

The plus:

No fillers

No release agents

No preservatives


Package content: 60 capsules

NUI Astaxanthin 4mg

Price Options
One-time purchase
CHF34.80every month until canceled

The astaxanthin product consists of whole algae powder in the form of dried algae cells. This protects astaxanthin best from oxidation. In nature, animals often protect themselves from UV radiation with astaxanthin. Flamingos, salmon and crabs have the color red, which comes from astaxanthin.

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